Using the same technique as I did on my previous video to make a bob.
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This video was uploaded SPECIFICALLY to show you guys what I did wrong in my bleaching process. I had intended on showing you guys the steps I take to bleach my hair and color it, but with my lack of knowledge lead to this video. I hope you all enjoy and find this video useful in some way.
** DISCLAIMER** I am in no way shape or form a professional hairstylist or cosmetologist. I have bleached my hair in the past with no issues, but apparently my hair has gotten tired of my experimenting on it and these are my results! lol!! PLEASE just learn from ALL mistakes and take note on WHAT NOT TO DO!!
Response Video: "How I recovered?" [ ]
Let's Talk | UPDATED| "Bleaching Gone Wrong" Hair Journey from THEN-NOW video:
Snapchat: Jazzyfly125