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Hi Guys,

Thank you for tuning in once again, I always value your support. This video was requested by you guys as you wanted to know how I used the Jessiecurl products. Hope that you enjoy!

Products used:
Jessiecurl -Hair cleansing cream
Giovanni – Deeper Moisture Conditioner
Oil – Sweet Almond, Avocado, Vit E and Jojoba
Jessicurl – Confidence Coil
Jessiecurl – Spiralicious

Melody loops – Hawaiin Beach

Please watch: "How to Manifest Natural Hair Growth into YOUR Life"


In this video I talk about maintaining my dreadlocks – what I do to keep my hair happy. I go through some of the everyday things that affect my dreadlocks, which may not even occur to many to be thought of as a maintenance and how I try to tweak some of them to best benefit the locking up of my hair.

Music – Kristin Burdal –