Link To Hair:

Cuban Twist Braidable Weaving 8 inch price range $4.50-$8.99. I used only 1 pack of weaving hair for this look.
Materials: Cuban Twist Hair,
Bobbi Pins,
Ponytail Ouchless Elastic Bands

Go To My Website to Help You to Style! :
IG: …

Hey guys,
today I am just doing a quick tutorial on how I put my natural 4c hair into a high puff. I had a lot of people asking me exactly how I did it after yesterday's video so I thought I would share. I hope this super quick and easy tutorial for natural 4c hair is helpful! Remember to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for new videos everyday!




‣ Age: 23 Years Old
‣ Height: 5 ft 4 in
‣ Location: St. Louis, MO
‣ Cameras: Check down below

– Camera:
– Lens:
-Edited with Premier

In this video I give you several tips on cornrowing hair. Learning how to cornrow braids for beginners can be hard but if you pay attention to cornrow hairstyles that is shown here it will help. These tips include how to make parts in the hair, what type of combs to use, what tools to use in cornrowing the hair, and how to accessorize the hair.

Natural Hair is beautiful and very creative. With cornrowing, the sky is the limit.

How to Cornrow:

How to Make a Sock Bun:

Hairstyles PlayList:

Vlog – Biking with Bun:
B l o g:
N a t u r a l H a i r:
V l o g g i n g:
F a c e b o o k:
I n s t a g r a m:
T w i t t e r:

L i n k s Y o u W o u l d L O V E:

V i d e o E d i t i n g:

S t y l e G a l l e r y:

FTC: This is not a sponsored video. The opinion shared on this video are mine.