How to cut your own hair for black men 360 waves edition after wolfing 8 weeks with no haircut for beginners. Haircutting tips for how to get 360 waves haircut fast and easy. Before you cut your own hair you should make sure you have enough light so that you can see what you are cutting. The worst thing is to cut your hair in low light. – How To Line UP Your Facial Hair, Beard & Mustache:

– New Explanation How to Cut your own Hair in Less than 15 mins:

– How to Grow a Thick Full Beard:

If you want to check out the clippers I used in the video, you can find them on Amazon. Here is the name of the clippers and a link to them:

– Andis Master Clippers: (Hair cutting ones)

My other Youtube Channel:

-Best Hair cutting tips for 360 waves:

– how to get waves on the side 2014 Method: ( )

– 360waveprocess Facebook:


Tips for Cutting Hair and 360 Waves
– Make sure that your hair has no products in it, (No grease, No Pomafde, No Nothing).

– Comb your 360 waves out foward the same way you brush them.

– Find the gaurd lenght you desire, (Beginning wavers, no less than a 1.5 gaurd).

– Then get your clippers and cut your hair with the grain (WTG)

– Periodically comb hair to lift it up so that it can be eaisier to cut (when needed).

**Extra Keywords**
, Hair Styles for Black men, Best haircut by barber, 720 waves, how to get waves to connect on the sides of your head, new hair brushing method to get three sixty waves, brickbandits09, sickest 360 waves ever! (The Secret), 360WaveProcess, How to get "waves" (ted 360 jones show) Pt1, White Boy with 360 Waves) How2getwaves Rap, Learn How To Do A Taper Fade Barber Techniques Step By Step, cakenisrandy, taper all around new haircyt styles, how to line yourself up boss beard, blowout straight hair, curly hair nappy hair perm, bald waves INSTANTLY in 30 mins GUARANTEED, 360 waves progress and journey, step by step tutorial video series, girl with 360 waves brotherhood palmade, wavebulder builder how chick boobs grease products, (Hairstye) Red Sea 360 Waves!!!….2011, Soulja Boy got the Juice cut Celebrity Barber BobbysWorld/How to Cut Your Own Hair, blackmensgrooming shadow fade lice tan blue magic, How to get Instant 360 waves in 2 hours waves 2012 update (no grease) how to get 360 waves on top and back Waves fresh cut method Mohawk Waves With ''Vaseline'' 360 waves Brushes method, How to wolf 360 waves HOW TO WASH 360 WAVES EASY fast way u can get on waves brush and lay down 360 Waves Fohawk Part 2 Silk Durag Dewrag wave cap enhancer mini waves texture moisture HowCast dougie dance pull girls get girlfriend look good buff edge up double hair line dips dippers spinners dip king wave king best waves award quick 2weeks 1month *CLASSIC* How to get INSTANT waves in 2 HOURS!!! (Re-edit) 360 wave haircut included

How To Give yourself a Lineup & Keep your shape up fresh Weeks after a haircut + Shave & Trim your Mustache Straight and Even Every time. This video will show you how to easily give yourself a line up with out pushing your line up back, or making it uneven. This method is like training wheels to get you ready to start lining yourself up without the use of this easy and safe to do tactic. – How To Line UP Your Facial Hair, Beard & Mustache:
– New Explanation How to Cut your own Hair in Less than 15 mins:

– How to Grow a Thick Full Beard:
After doing this method you will have learned:

– How to keep your edge up looking sharp for longer periods.
– How to shave your mustache and make it even.
– You will eventually be able to confidently touch up your own lining with the skill to do it right and nice.

Here are the Liners that I use in the video:

Andis T Outliners: (The Line-up ones)
Andis Master Clippers: (The Hair-cutting ones)

Community college graduation VLOG:

– How to Re-Grow Your Hairline after a Bad Haircut:

My Last Video, How to get 360 waves with Nappy Hair:

This is the best Hair Styles for Black men, Best haircut by barber, 720 waves, how to get waves to connect on the sides of your head,012 update (no grease) how to get 360 waves on top and back Waves fresh cut method Mohawk Waves With ''Vaseline'' 360 waves Brushes method, How to wolf 360 waves HOW TO WASH 360 WAVES EASY fast way u can get on waves brush and lay down 360 Waves Fohawk Part 2 Silk Durag Dewrag wave cap enhancer mini waves texture moisture HowCast dougie dance pull girls get girlfriend look good buff edge up double hair line dips dippers spinners dip king wave king best waves award quick 2weeks 1month *CLASSIC* How to get INSTANT waves in 2 HOURS!!! (Re-edit) 360 wave haircut included