Hello Everyone! Welcome back to NaturallyPhilo. In my "How I Grew My Natural Hair" video, I mentioned that the concept of "Protective Styling" has reached unwarranted heights. And it's time to reclaim what it actually is. Here's a comprehensive video on why I feel that way. ENJOY!
SONG (at the end): SOLO by Article Wan
Are you Ghanaian? Yes
What is your hair type? 4a combination
What is your hair porosity? Medium to High
When did you big chop? March 17, 2014
How long have you been natural? 2 years 11 months
Have you texturized your hair? NO
How old are you? 21
SOCIAL MEDIA_______________________________________________
Instagram: NaturallyPhilo
Snapchat: abena_philo
BUSINESS & INQUIRES_______________________________________
Email: naturallyphilo@gmail.com
Thank you all so much for watching! Have a blessed day & KEEP IT NATURALLY! 😀
Thank you Gabrielle Marie for the animations!
***Natural Hair, Hair type, kinky hair, type 4a 4c 4c hair, type 3 hair, what is my hair type, protective style, styles that will ruin your natural hair, kinky coily curly hair, what styles grow natural hair, hair type, how to determine a real protective style, hair styles that grow natural hair, weave, wigs, crochet braids, sew in, cornrows, why I hate protective styles, healthy hair care, grow lon